Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1st successful event!!

woohoo!! finally after dunno how many years of wantin to have a bbq we finally managed to pull one together!! A very special thanks to myself(Fazil), Renfred, Firdaus, Ariff, Shankra, Alif, Karen, Yuan Feng, Cliff, Jia Min, Chao Xiang & Wei Xian for making the bbq a success :) (sad case got soo many food left) Anyway i got some pics from the bbq at 5-6pm.. there are more but have to wait for YF to send them to me ;) and yeah thanks Tim for stoppin by lolx!
This is just the beginning Muahahahaa!

Fasting for 30 days caused him to stuff his face!!

Fred and Fir in action ;)

Fir: Hmm.. wats the best way to cook the food faster?? oh yea.. DYNAMITE!!

Random photos from riff blurry N81-8Gb "WOAH"..

wth?? *super random*

Romantic seh.. wee weet!

Longest standin chef.. Renfred!!