Saturday, October 25, 2008

Love is......

Its been awhile since I've contributed so here's my 2 cents worth of my perception...

Wish upon a star.

by Dark Savior

I wish I could find the person to call my partner.
A caring heart to love me like no other.
I'm unsure what to look for in a woman or where to start
They say that making love is so sensual it's considered an art

I want that love that makes me feel like I'm the one
not to have to worry about being out done
I wish I knew what it is that could help me on my way,
how to kiss, make love, or even what to say.

Everywhere I look reminds me that I'm alone
I want the family, a lover, children, an a home.
Is it too much to ask for all these things.
I even get nervous when my phone rings

truly I don't know who would ever accept those things,
So I'll sit by this phone, in hopes that one day it rings.
soon I'll grow old, to be left by all those I love
sitting with god and looking down from above

Perhaps I will adopt and love them just the same,
why must we always be playing this senile game.
I'm not sure why I want to be a father so bad
since I was sixteen it's a dream that I've had

I just want to be married before my mother and father die.
It's in this way that I would be able to happily say good bye.

if someone can please explain all these thoughts,
but this is something that even with my money; can't be bought

This is just something that I saw when I was browsing through the web and I saw something that made me start thinking about the meaning of that accursed 4 letter L word...Love.
Im pretty sure that my bros will be reading this first and just to make sure,I've not turn modern or anything aite..Im just clearing my thoughts here and NO IM NOT INFATUATED WITH ANYONE..not currently anyway.

The above poem makes a nearly perfect definition of Love. But it forgot to mention one important thing,Love makes you suffer and in this day and age I doubt anybody truly knows the meaning of that word.To yearn for someone,to be uncertain about her feelings,to question your every action in front of her,to think of her constantly and wonder if she's thinking about you...isn't that just too damn tiring but why do people do it?
Is it just not to be lonely?is it just to please your parents?to please society?
If those are the reasons why people love...then love isn't beautiful as described by a million poems and movies,it's fucking retarded!That begs the question then...what is the real reason to love someone?

"Love at first sight", I'm not sure which moron coined that term but isn't that contradictory? How can a person love someone whom he hasn't met before?How do you know that she has the personality you admire in a partner?Then the only plausible reason would be their looks..isn't that what you call being shallow?That ladies and gentlemen is what we call Lust... I've always lived by the philosophy that Love is never at first sight but Lust is.

Does that mean we have to get to know that person to be able to judge if she is the one for us?Then that begs the question,how do we know which woman to better acquaint ourselves with?People say we just do but what the fuck kinda reasoning is that?Do we just show interest in whoever shows us interest first...that's just damn hypocritical.It all comes down to whether we find that person physically attractive first then isn't that just Lust again?

They say Love makes you able to sacrifice the world for that one person,to sacrifice your life for her,to give up your future,your hopes and dreams but if that is the case. Isn't Love selfish?It causes you to give up so many things in life for that one single person. But the funny thing is Love gives us courage. Soldiers on the battlefield fight not only to protect their country's sovereignty but to keep the ones that they love ie parents,wife,lover and children safe. A mother in labour always prays that her child will be born safe and will willingly give up her own life to ensure her child survives. A Father willingly works his life away, eventhough he maybe sick to the point of hospitalization, just to feed his family. No matter who you are, I believe that there is at least one person you will sacrifice anything for and that is what I truly believe love is.

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

Love is painful because you have to give up so many things to attain it and you have to give up many more just to maintain it. Yet people do,everyday of their lives they do so willingly. Love is necessary even if it brings you all the pain in the world. Love makes you stronger by breaking you first to attain it.

Love is....needed

無恤的歌 무휼의 노래 -