Thursday, October 30, 2008

luv luv luv - use ur hearts not ur eyes

Lol 1st of all wats up with all the love blogs suddenly. Well seems like Tim pretty much has the correct concept on wat love requires but that aint exactly wat love is about. No one ever have or will have the true definition of wats love. Love is something some say a feeling, some say an ability, the minorities say is a torture and for the rest is just something everyone does.
“Love at 1st sight” even I agree that’s bullshit. Cause ur loving someone at the mere sight of her without any knowledge on who she is and wats her personality like. For some lucky ones love at 1st sight sometimes turn out well provided they are real lucky la cant get 4D ready sure wont win cause their luck use at something else already haha.
Anyway y does everyone go for external beauty? Y cant it be the internal beauty.. I mean a heart can be beautiful also ok!! Renfred is rite to say if all the externally beautiful gals are preferred then the ugly ones really sad case lo.. come on don’t open ur eyes or whatever ur using to see.. open up ur heart to see.. that’s how true love even develops.. and trust me saying “I love U” dosent show u love the person.. u gotta show it prove it u love her then ur “I love U” will mean something.. cause I have a fren whose name cant be mentioned said that without even showin to her that he truly loves do u expect the gal to love u back in such a scenario.. its just soo weird!
Love needs sacrifices. True! Without sacrifices ur love will mean nothing. Its all the sacrifices be it small or big its wat brings pleasure and further develop ur love. Try it and u will know for urself it not only make urself feel good of sacrificing something for ur love but it actually proves how such a generous person u r and ur love will definitely be soo proud of it!!
Well that was just some pointers and stuff.. if u need extra advice feel free to ask me cause I aint a wordy person more of the action so I rather be answering qns rather then thinkin and writing everything I know down..