Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tim and his love

we are human. we love nice things. pretty gals hot gals cute gals fat gals skinny gals white gals black gals tall gals short gals im calling all girls. lol ok that suck.

tim, you english damn power. unlike mine. it is shit.

so yeah, why is it wrong to like a girl at first sight. physical appearence is very important. it shows how well she maintain herself. would you wan to marry someone who is filthy? someone who dresses with torn dirty clothing undone hair smelly pussy? LOL. would you wanna marry that kinda gal even if she shares the same interest with you? i dun think so coz u need to live with someone who is not pain to eye. hahahahahaha

i agree with you that being in love, you'd have to sacrifice alot of shit. espescially if it is something you really love doing. example for me i love playing music, performing live, entertainment. i wont sacrifice these things for a girlfriend but i would if im getting married. and yeah getting married is another whole new topic.

being in love and sacrificing your future is bullshit. imagine you're gonna get a good paying job but u cannot be with your love most of the time. so would you stay with ur love one or go for the job? look at me. im gonna be a marine engineer. i really want to sail. leaving my parents, sisters, friends behind. if i could, i would wanna sail for my ITP. once i start sailing means i would have to go all the way to the top as Chief Engineer. good pay i'd say. that would take me like 5-10 years to the top. So, having a love now means my love would have to wait at least 5 yrs for me to finish my sea time. i cant have love interupting my work at sea. like, im out at sea and i miss my love so much that i need to get home. the company would fuck me up. hahaha.

so yeah maybe after i get my position as chief then i would then find someone to share my savings. wad i mean is to start a family. to start a family u need money man. seriously. the gal needs to know that her future with me is secure right? have babies maybe???maybe not?

im hungry. im actually waiting for my food while doing this shit man.....i'll stop here. if u wanna love its your choice man. its your life. you rule.

ps: sorry for my bad language. =(


Anonymous said...

wth dun need apologise for dat la n everyone lang sux,even pretty sure i misspelled a few words