Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lets Forgive,Forget and learn to be better

Not gonna write a whole chunk,just enjoy this performance;a new singer from Korea....guess what's her age?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I would like to take this opportunity to say..

.... FUCK U !

§ Sħaŋkґа §


How do i start? Nvm

Fazil, Ahrep and me went to starbucks yesterday to study.
Fazil went home to take some stuffs.
So me and ahrep left sitting.

I turn on my lappy and read an email damn funny. no need elaborate. u should know.
Ahrep borrow my cellphone.
Which fuck head would actually take someone elses cell and start reading thier messages.
Just to check if i had a girlfriend.
How pussy is that sia??? Can't even ask?
You fucking 19 year old pussy hair shit head.
Those are my privacy. well now its not cause you read it. and still denying it.
Like seriously who actually read someone else inbox????
just now i went to school and started doing that.
guess what all of them fucked me telling me which dickhead did that.

Looking at your face i feel sick. So sick that my dick hide itself.
lol maybe not sick lah.
I just wanna whack your face with my skills. maybe call azah along for more enjoyment.
you think you're taller than me u such a big fuck? you love azah is big fuck already?
fuck you lah. and your is so fair. wtf do you do? sit at home jacking off whole day?

One more. I go jamming because i love jamming. I play music, make music.
Wth is wrong with you asking "fir you go jamming for 1 or 2 hours then like that only?"
its more than just a hobby. do you jack halfway and stop? or you still deny that u dun jack off?
i would love to perform with my bandmates. AND THEY ARE NOT FUCKING MATREPS.

So you join EEE because u didnt have other friends who wanted to join the course u liked?
who cares if join SMA/DMR on my own without any friends. its how u make relationship.

what else can i say? ok yeah.
no point fighting over the net. no one wins no one loose.
wanna fight come face to face. and if u'd really come face to face at me, i'll just back off.
you cant stand for yourself.

kena hung sikit dah gabra

FUCK YOU and your sucky life.

Meet me in hell.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ask yourself honestly, if faced with an over whelming challenge, will you break under pressure or overcome it and be born anew ?

Its starts with light and ends with light
and in between theres darkness
nothing there is beyond hope,
nothing that can be sworn impossible,
nothing left unimaginable,
since Zeus father of the olympians made night from mid day,
hiding the light from the shining sun and raining dark fear down upon men.

P.S. Picture taken on a diving trip in Phillipines. Its a small tiny island the size of a lecture theatre.

§ Sħaŋkґа §

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sincerest apologies.

This is a message to all my bro's..meaning you 4( you guys know who you are),I would like to apologise to all of you especially to 3 of you. I've been thinking about some stuff and it took a shitty "event" to knock some sense into me.

I would like to apologise for not being a real best friend. Since coming to poly, I've been an arrogant little shithead,don't say I haven't cos I bloody well know I do. I was to caught up with trying to be smart and all that I forgot what it means to be a real friend. I'm sorry I thought I was smarter than you guys, I'm sorry at times I thought you guys were weighing me down, I'm sorry for always leaving you guys behind, I'm so sorry for so many bloody things...I know saying sorry doesn't make it all better but hopefully by admitting my mistakes I can be a better friend.

I've always thought myself as pretty smart (not genius smart but above avg smart,you know what I mean), guess that's why I acted like such a shithead. Year after year,my cumulative GPA kept increasing steadily and the biggest increase came during year 2 and that's when I became really arrogant. Thinking back, I only acted humble but in my mind...I was probably the most arrogant asshole ever. I thought I was set to enter Uni and maybe that's why I started slacking and being an arrogant ass too. I'm gonna apologise to Fred right now, I'm so sorry thinking that I was smarter than you bro. I would also like to apologise to all 3 of you for not helping you guys out as best as I could when you guys asked for my help. I should've spent more times with you guys instead of prioritizing my classmates...that's another thing I have to apologise for...thinking that I found the perfect classmates since they were all so damn smart, I thought of making them my new best friends but heck I was guys are and still will be my best friends,if you would still have me of course.

This final sem made me realize all the times we spent as Bros and all the times I spent avoiding you guys for one reason or another. I'm thankful you guys still treat me the same even though I changed..for the worst. So before I/We graduate in a few months time, I would like to ask for all of your forgiveness. For being such a lousy bro and for being a total jackass most of the time.

Sincerely Your Bro,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New outing

eh lets have another outing man.

i know u all are busy with fyp and sch.

i have sch stuffs and other commitment too man.

anyways yeah OUTING!!!!

cannot wait liao. do something else other than food or movie lah.

Let's go for some "REAL" adventure.

or go to "decent" clubs like museums, shopping centre, library?

wuahahahahahahhahahahahahah!!!! asshole

go overnight cycling? overnight walking? ghost hunting? cycle thru jalan bahar(i'd love it)?

hmmm what else can we do overnight? hahahha no dirty stuffs yeah.


I have to say, I'm trying to appeal to the guys on this one. Not the half baked sissies who still cry and wet their pants. I am talking about real men.

I'm talking about fantasies. You know, that crazy idea that you have,
stuck in your head ranging from that hot girl from across the street
walking right over and sitting in your lap, or the one about Barney
coming to life and actually spreading his brand of love to every single
person on this earth?

" Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination
When he’s tall he’s what we call A dinosaur sensation
Barney teaches lots of things
Like how to play pretend
A-B-C’s and 1-2-3’s and how to be a friend "

Well, I have one.

I am a single male. I am only 19 years of age. I lead an uncomplicated
and diffenatley PASSIONATE life and i can't emphasize more.

I'd always reveled in this slightly whacked job but kinky
fantasy, where this incredibly hot girl hunts me down and forces
me to have sex with her like there's no tomorrow.
Something along the lines of having a sexually charged, yet non
committal relationship with an incredibly attractive lass.

Incredibly kooky, I know.

My imagination runs much wilder when I'm bored, and I don't mind.
In fact, I encourage it to run as wild as bunnies with boobs. Haha.

However, when fantasy runs wild into reality, it's actually kinda
scary. Scary and weird. I'm actually frightened with how kosher
this entire episode is turning out to be.

I mean, it could turn out to be an incredibly elaborate and
mean joke. But never the less an awesome one.

But hey, always look on the bright side of life, right?
Keep the faith, that the hot girl's waiting right around the corner.

§ Sħaŋkґа §

Monday, November 10, 2008

What a Waster

hello people. if but not all, a first entry should be about myself. but being different i shall talk about this stranger.

it's weird because there's this irrevocable attraction, that's for the most part, unexplained. for a stranger, whom I know only so barely surrounded by wispy fog-like mystery. perhaps, it's the mystery and my thirst for unravelling it, or how it's so damn sexy how i hardly get enough and still yearn for more.

whatever it is, i've only just realised that whenever i'm faced with any form of negative pressures, i begin playing back the day's anthem to distract me and lift whatever gloomy shadow that may have been hanging.

today's was 'what a waster'. and what a waster, pissed it all up the wall, there's tears coming out from everywhere. that, was how the entire day went, the voices of carl barat over and over again, telling me a sad story about a girl who took too much drugs. FUCK YOU !

i need to be able to launch myself into this with much pomp and gusto. because i shouldn't be afraid because i'm accustomed to being the little boy in most situations not literally of course because i am not that small.. little boys can also do big things, me thinks.

§ Sħaŋkґа §

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My SITEX Fair Buying List~

Gotta get me some of these stuff at the upcoming fair this end of November,anyone wanna tag along?

1.) Linksys Router (FINALLY!!!)2.) I seriously need new damn speakers so wth,gonna get me some boom~

Haven't decided on whether creative or sonic gear but gotta see the price, around $100 is my range.

3.)10 megapixel fujifilm digicam.
Im not sure the exact model but I do know that fujifilm has like the cheapest 10 mega cam around so hoping it goes down to below SGD200
4.) My Razor Lycosa Keyboard~~~
Aaaaaah ain't that a thing of beauty~

This is my shopping list for the moment,gonna be broke for awhile after this LOL

Thursday, November 6, 2008

hmm ppl asked me for this pic so im puttin it up

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A friend in need is a friend indeed...

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental

I always though this proverb was a bit strange.I mean if you think about it someone who is always in need is indeed a friend.Well 'some' people think that this phrase means "I am a great friend to my friends because i am always in need. Wow what a great guy i am.I am such a friend".

To quote Wikipedia
"Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings"

However in this case wiki forgot to mention that, there are GOOD friends, and BAD friends.So, kids when you chose your friends, like what your mummy or daddy says "Don't anyhow make friends".

Now to the socially retarded or those who really find it amazing that the point above is NOT what friendship is about here is a simple explanation that even a mentally challenged turkey will get. Mind you this is really the most most most basic of friendship.. like Friendship for Dummies Rule no.1 or something...

"Friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them."

Ya ya, no dying for friend or any of that crap simple trust that's the basis of friendship, if you can say something like
" Why you guys want me to go? So you can make fun of me ah ?"
When your friend (with pure intentions if i may add) ask you out for a movie.
Then WHERE'S THE TRUST? I mean when you need things from friends or your friends invite you to join a project group why don't you ask this kind of question(s)?.

"Eh, can send me your resume. Please don't hurt me....gulp"
"Um, why you want me in your FYP group ah ? So you can bully me right? "

well people don't do things like that cause,
1st- It makes YOU look Stupid and Wussy-Like
2nd-It INSULTS the person (especially if the person is your friend or he thinks he is)
3rd-Because FRIENDS TRUST one another

So to all out there please make GOOD friends and to others who dont know how to be a GOOD
friend please learn (that's if you are not a total basket case and all if like that then i nothing to say).


P.S By the way the proverb means 'someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend'.not the other way around ;)