Monday, November 17, 2008

Sincerest apologies.

This is a message to all my bro's..meaning you 4( you guys know who you are),I would like to apologise to all of you especially to 3 of you. I've been thinking about some stuff and it took a shitty "event" to knock some sense into me.

I would like to apologise for not being a real best friend. Since coming to poly, I've been an arrogant little shithead,don't say I haven't cos I bloody well know I do. I was to caught up with trying to be smart and all that I forgot what it means to be a real friend. I'm sorry I thought I was smarter than you guys, I'm sorry at times I thought you guys were weighing me down, I'm sorry for always leaving you guys behind, I'm so sorry for so many bloody things...I know saying sorry doesn't make it all better but hopefully by admitting my mistakes I can be a better friend.

I've always thought myself as pretty smart (not genius smart but above avg smart,you know what I mean), guess that's why I acted like such a shithead. Year after year,my cumulative GPA kept increasing steadily and the biggest increase came during year 2 and that's when I became really arrogant. Thinking back, I only acted humble but in my mind...I was probably the most arrogant asshole ever. I thought I was set to enter Uni and maybe that's why I started slacking and being an arrogant ass too. I'm gonna apologise to Fred right now, I'm so sorry thinking that I was smarter than you bro. I would also like to apologise to all 3 of you for not helping you guys out as best as I could when you guys asked for my help. I should've spent more times with you guys instead of prioritizing my classmates...that's another thing I have to apologise for...thinking that I found the perfect classmates since they were all so damn smart, I thought of making them my new best friends but heck I was guys are and still will be my best friends,if you would still have me of course.

This final sem made me realize all the times we spent as Bros and all the times I spent avoiding you guys for one reason or another. I'm thankful you guys still treat me the same even though I changed..for the worst. So before I/We graduate in a few months time, I would like to ask for all of your forgiveness. For being such a lousy bro and for being a total jackass most of the time.

Sincerely Your Bro,